Happy 40th Tom! I have had the privilege of being a friend probably longer than anyone else on the planet. Tom and I met in our strollers when I was 6 months old and he was a year old. He was my first true friend and for that I will always be grateful to have such a wonderful person in my life. The long summer days of “wiffle”, riding to the dirt mounds and Atari/Intellivision marathon sessions will always hold a very, very special spot in my memory. It seems like just yesterday we were conspiring to see whose mom was cooking a better dinner, riding our bikes together to Turkey Hill for slushies, or finding the stash of our dads Playboys. Now 40 years later those happy memories bring a tear to my eye because I realize had such a loyal and true friend to share my childhood with. We made a pack back then that we would always be there for each other and remain friends, even when one of us became a huge rock star. The rock star thing never happened but I know the pack we made then will be there forever.