Dear Tom,
As your 40th birthday approaches, Bob and I were inspired to look back at some early pictures of you that grace our photo album. Of course, the first one we found there was the adorable “just born” hospital shot that marked your arrival into the world on June 9, 1969. It was a reminder of how excited I, your 19-year-old aunt, was to get my first glimpse of you. Less than two months later, there you were the night you asked your parents to let you stay up to watch Neil Armstrong take his first historic steps on the moon. Your eyes were riveted on the screen as you held a little American flag. We could imagine your arms and legs pumping away as you waved that flag with enthusiasm, a huge smile on your face. In August, you joined Dad, Mom, Renee, and Chris in the family’s psychedelic VW bus, headed for Woodstock. Our favorite shots from that landmark occasion were the one of you covered in mud wearing a garland of flowers around your little head, grinning from ear to ear and the one of you playing air guitar while Hendrix ripped through the national anthem. What a groovy time you were having! There were the obligatory first Thanksgiving and Christmas photos followed by your first snowman and Easter basket. We were touched as you celebrated your first Earth Day in April of 1970 by teaching the family how to plant a vegetable garden in the backyard on Devonshire Road. You could not have looked cuter in your denim overalls, wielding a hoe. As we turned to another page in the album, there you were in tears, surrounded by your bobblehead Beatles figures, crushed at the news of their breakup and worried about the future of EMI. Bless your little heart! We could go on and on, but suffice it to say that we continued down memory lane for hours.
All kidding aside, in what seems like no time at all, here you are celebrating the completion of 40 orbits around the sun. That’s a good bit of mileage on the old vehicle, but you are definitely not ready for a trade in just yet. During all that time, you were on the journey that has made you the person you are today: artist, photographer, teacher, advocate for people, animals, and the Earth, loyal friend, beloved partner, and cherished family member.
Congratulations on reaching this milestone occasion! May all that is good in life be yours now and in the years ahead.
With our love and best wishes,
Aunt Roberta and Uncle Bob